City of Woonsocket Information

City of Woonsocket

PO Box 456

Woonsocket SD  57385-0456

(605) 796-4112

Office Hours

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Monday through Friday

Mayor - Richard Reider

City Finance Officer - Tara Weber

City Council

President - Joel Rassel
Vice President - Darin Kilcoin

Ward 1:

Darin Kilcoin and Arin Boschee

Ward 2:

Joel Rassel and Brandon Goergen

Ward 3:

Derek Foos and Garret Foos

Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at the city office at 6 pm.


Community Services

•  Community Library - Librarian Sarah Lieber **  605-796-1412

• Nutrition Center ** 605-796-4112

• Fully equipped Volunteer Fire Department (911)

• Police (911)

• Ambulance (911)

• Curbed and Guttered Streets

• Low Utility Rates

• Artesian Wells
